Cube meat and partially freeze.
Grind both meats through a 4.5mm plate.
Dissolve cure in the ice water, along with the anise, coriander, allspice & black pepper.
Pour mixture into meat. Add the remainder of ingredients and mix well until a sticky meat paste results (about 10 minutes of hand-mixing). Regrind again through a FINE plate (3.0).
Stuff into 32-34mm casings. Twist off 4-6 inch lengths.
Hang to dry while the smoker is being prepared.
Pre-heat smoker to 130-140� and hang sausages in smoker. No smoke for the first hour.
Add heavy smoke (cherry, hickory, apple( for the next 2-2.5 hours, increasing temps gradually over the same time up to 160�. Quit smoke.
Raise temp in smoker up to 170� & continue to cook links until an IT of 160� OR put the links after the smoke and put them in a hot water bath (165�) until the IT of 160� is reached (less than 30 minutes). Cool off in ice bath (the hot links, NOT you!). Pull links & hang to bloom. Refrigerate.