

Soups and Stews

hard Chorizo - small link rough chopped or 1/8 large stick
1 anchovy
onion - 1/8 of a large
celery -1/3 rib
carrot -3-4 small
garlic - 2 cloves
tomato paste - 3 Tbsp or so
red wine - 1 cup
dried shrimp - 1 TBSP

Puree ingredients in a food processor (add wine after pureed). In a heated fry pan add the puree top with about 1/2 cup oil. Fry on medium stirring constantly, till its toasty and paste like (this will let the flavors blend). Use immediately or place in an ice cube tray/small container, top with oil and freeze. Once frozen you can move to a plastic bag.

These are a great add to any soup/pasta.
