Heat all mop ingredients
Dry rub pork at least 12 hours in advance with Wild Willy's Rub.
Wrap in cellophane and keep in the fridge.
30 minutes before smoking take the pork out, unwrap and bring to room temperature.
Smoke at 225-250 degrees for at least 6 hours, mopping ever hour. (note if using a pellet smoker go at 200 for the first 8 hours, then go up to 220 for the rest to get a more smokey flavor)
Smoke till the shoulder hits 190, At that point start doing the probe test (meat should offer no resistance, like putting the probe in butter). Continue cooking until the probe test is met (depending on piece of pork, this can be anywhere from 190-205. Note: You can accelerate the latter half by wrapping in butcher paper or foil and increasing heat to 275-300, Probe test still applies. At any point you can move to an oven to save wood/pellets and simplify).
Take out of oven/smoker and let rest till cool. If you have time, wrap in cellophane and let set 4 hours (this will allow the juices to reabsorb and soften the bark as to minimize waste). Pull and mix with 2 jars of Bone sucking sauce. |